Explore 60 reports
- Report
How to approach digital transformation in higher education: report and case studies
Findings from Jisc’s digital transformation research pilot. - Report
Open data about research management: a landscape review
Reducing research bureaucracy and fostering collaboration through better use of UK research data. - Report
Trends in assessment in higher education: considerations for policy and practice
Shaping the future of assessment practices in higher education. - Report
Jisc trustees’ report and financial statements
The trustees present their strategic report and audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2024. - Report
IT infrastructure reviews in FE: key findings
This report covers the state of IT service delivery in further education based on data from Jisc infrastructure reviews undertaken between 2020 and 2024. - Report
Collaboration for a sustainable future
Unlocking the value and potential of higher education through new shared approaches to digital, data and technology. - Report
The Office for Students (OfS) mental health analytics project - An evaluation
Pilot project at Northumbria University used data to predict student wellbeing and identified opportunities to offer help to vulnerable students. - Report
Dysgu cyfunol a hybrid yng ngholegau addysg bellach Cymru
Mae Jisc yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Cymru i fwrw ymlaen â Digidol 2030, sy'n anelu at weld darparwyr dysgu yng Nghymru yn manteisio ar botensial technoleg ddigidol i gefnogi dulliau gweithredu cynaliadwy a gwydn. - Report
Blended and hybrid learning in Welsh further education colleges
Jisc is working in partnership with the Welsh Government to drive forward Digital 2030, which aims to see learning providers in Wales harness the potential of digital technology to support sustainable and resilient approaches to delivery. - Report
Digital sustainability in tertiary education: trends, challenges, and sector insights
Navigating through the complexities of digital sustainability, including the challenges and opportunities confronting those working in tertiary education and research institutions across the UK. - Report
Extended reality in learning and teaching report 2023/24
Realising the transformative power of extended reality (XR) in education. - Report
Mapping federation journeys for optimising the UK digital research infrastructure
Prepared for UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). - Report
A review of transitional agreements in the UK
Charting the progress of open access and evaluating the effectiveness of transitional agreements in that process. - Report
Jisc trustees’ report and financial statements
The trustees present their strategic report and audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2023. - Report
International students’ digital experience phase two: experiences and expectations
The voices of over 2000 higher education international students describe their digital border crossings and the digital shocks that impact the learning experience. - Report
Elevating the UK further education and skills sector: Strategy review 2020-2023
Highlights of what we have achieved against the five pillars of our strategy for further education and skills. - Report
How can edtech address some of the greatest challenges facing HE leaders?
At a time when technological innovation is accelerating, we’ve partnered with Emerge Education to look at how technology might address some of the challenges facing HE leaders. - Report
Beyond blended
This report follows the second phase of research into curriculum and learning design in higher education (HE) in the UK, which was conducted between November 2022 and July 2023. - Report
Student perceptions of generative AI
This report provides an update on how students are currently using generative AI and explores its potential impact on their learning experience. - Report
Artificial intelligence in tertiary education pilots
From a chatbot for student queries to a virtual reality interview simulator, read about the outcomes of our completed artificial intelligence pilot projects. - Report
Generative AI - a primer
An introduction to generative artificial intelligence technology and its implications on education. - Report
The economic benefits of Jisc
Independent research interrogating how Jisc supports and benefits the tertiary education and research sectors, the money we save members and how we generate economic value for the UK. - Report
Adolygiad o ymchwil, polisiac ymarfer ar gyfer cynllunio dysgu digidol a chyfunol
Jeremy Miles AS, Comisiynodd Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg yr adroddiad hwn gan Jisc i lywio meddwl strategol a chynlluniau gweithredu ar gyfer dysgu digidol a chyfunol yn y sector addysg bellach (AB) yng Nghymru,fel rhan o Alwad i Weithredu Digidol 2030. - Report
A review of research, policy and practice for planning digital and blended learning
Jeremy Miles MS, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language commissioned this report from Jisc to inform strategic thinking and action planning for digital and blended learning in the Welsh further education (FE) sector, as part of the Digital 2030 Call to Action. - Report
International students’ digital experience phase one: a review of policy, academic literature and views from UK higher education
By taking a more inclusive approach, focusing on equity and outcomes for international students, we can create a digital experience that benefits all our students. - Report
Collaborative approaches in the Welsh post-16 sector
Jisc is working in partnership with Welsh Government to drive forward Digital 2030, which aims to see learning providers in Wales harness the potential of digital technology underpinned by principles of innovation, collaboration, co-production and social partnership. - Report
Optimising the UK’s university research infrastructure assets
Perspectives and opportunities - Report
Student analytics - A core specification for engagement and wellbeing analytics
Higher education student support champion Edward Peck outlines his vision for efficient and scalable student services through better data governance and predictive student analytics. - Report
Digital strategies in UK higher education: making digital mainstream
Digital technologies play a central role in all core business areas of higher education (HE) organisations. - Report
Approaches to curriculum and learning design across UK higher education
Looking beyond the emergency responses to lockdowns and restrictions - are we delivering learning in flexible and accessible ways? - Report
Cyber security posture surveys
Gauging how the UK education and research sectors are dealing with the evolving threat of cyber attacks. - Report
From technology enabled teaching to digitally enhanced learning: a new perspective for HE
From fixes to foresight: Jisc and Emerge Education insights for universities and startups. - Report
Exploring digital carbon footprints
The hidden environmental cost of the digital revolution and the steps universities and colleges can take to address it. - Report
Assessment and feedback higher education landscape review: survey outcomes
Whether as an acceleration of a planned strategy or an emergency response, changing assessment practice has been a priority. - Report
A pathway towards responsible, ethical AI
This guide suggests a pathway towards responsible, ethical AI with a series of discussions helping to quickly assess ideas and their fit for the institution. - Report
Technology-enabled teaching and learning at scale
From fixes to foresight: Jisc and Emerge Education insights for universities and startups. - Report
Rethinking assessment
From fixes to foresight: Jisc and Emerge Education insights for universities and startups. Has the pandemic helped to move us to an assessment system that is more relevant, adaptable and trustworthy? - Report
Artificial intelligence (AI) in tertiary education
In this third edition we summarise the current state of play, including insights into emerging use cases and guidance on ethical considerations. - Report
Wireless census report 2020
A snapshot of wireless networking in the UK. - Report
The future of revenue diversification in higher education
From fixes to foresight: Jisc and Emerge Education insights for universities and startups. - Report
Higher education strategy 2021-2024: powering UK higher education
How Jisc will support universities towards a technology-empowered future. - Report
The future of student recruitment
From fixes to foresight: Jisc and Emerge Education insights for universities and startups. - Report
Student and staff wellbeing in higher education
From fixes to foresight: Jisc and Emerge Education insights for universities and startups. - Report
Blended learning: a synthesis of change
A study based on contributions from universities in Wales, in light of COVID-19. - Report
Dysgu cyfunol: synthesis o newid
Astudiaeth yn seiliedig ar gyfraniadau gan brifysgolion yng Nghymru, yng ngoleuni COVID-19 - Report
The future of employer-university collaboration — a vision for 2030
From fixes to foresight: Jisc and Emerge Education insights for universities and startups. This new report looks at how six universities have collaborated with employers. - Report
Cyber impact
The impact of cyber security incidents on the UK's further and higher education and research sectors. - Report
Learning and teaching reimagined: synthesis of audience surveys
We conducted a programme of primary research with three key audiences; learners, lecturers and those responsible for teaching and learning within their institution. - Report
IT infrastructure reviews: key findings
A synthesis of findings from 118 infrastructure reviews undertaken for Jisc members between 2016-2020. - Report
Jisc further education and skills strategy 2020-2023
How Jisc, as a trusted lifelong learning digital partner, will support the UK FE and skills sectors over the next three years. - Report
Virtual learning environment review report 2020
Analysing the virtual learning environment (VLE) reviews we completed with our members. What can we learn from these interactions? - Report
Digital learning rebooted
From fixes to foresight: Jisc and Emerge Education insights for universities and startups - Report
Learning and teaching reimagined
Change and challenge for students, staff and leaders. - Report
Employability rebooted: democratising the future of work
From fixes to foresight: Jisc and Emerge Education insights for universities and startups - Report
Assessment rebooted
From fixes to foresight: Jisc and Emerge Education insights for universities and startups. - Report
Can edtech startups solve the biggest challenges faced by UK universities?
This joint report with Emerge Education looks at how education technology has rich potential to help UK universities solve their biggest challenges. - Report
Jisc strategy 2019-2022
Our strategy for the coming three years is to build on our transition to a membership organisation, taking our achievements to the next level and enhancing what we do to the further satisfaction of members and funders. - Report
The future of assessment: five principles, five targets for 2025
This report is the result of an experts meeting exploring assessment in universities and colleges and how technology could be used to help address some of the problems and opportunities. - Report
Digital leadership in HE: improving student experience and optimising service delivery
A joint report between Jisc and UCISA. - Report
Value and benefits of text mining
Through text, data mining and analytics we can exploit the vast amounts of information and data generated everyday through economic, academic and social activities.
Showing all 60 reports