
Beyond the Technology: Further education and skills – College of West Anglia

Kerry Heathcote, vice principal of curriculum and quality at College of West Anglia, joins us for our fourth further education and skills podcast to chat about their digital elevation strategy and the learner experience.

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Please note, this episode of the podcast was originally recorded in September 2023, so please bear that in mind when dates and times are mentioned.

This is the fourth in a series of podcasts focused on further education and skills (FE), hosted by Andrew McFadyen and Louisa Stamatelopoulos. Throughout this series Andrew and Louisa are joined by experts from further education colleges to shine a light on how they support digital development through the use of Jisc tools, such as the digital elevation tool, building digital capability service and digital experience insights surveys.

In this episode Andrew and Louisa are joined by Kerry Heathcote, vice principal of curriculum and quality at College of West Anglia.

The discussion begins with a look at College of West Anglia’s digital elevation strategy and the six elements that comprise the curriculum design and development and learner experience.

Kerry talks about how Jisc’s digital experience insights survey, through student and learner feedback, allows the college to benchmark themselves and really focus on the student voice, leadership, governance and culture.

Next, Kerry shares advice for teachers on using digital technologies in their teaching by keeping the learner at the heart of the experience.

Lastly, Kerry looks to the future and how the role of the FE teacher may change over time.

Show notes

Episode guest

Kerry Heathcote
Vice principal of curriculum and quality at College of West Anglia

Episode hosts

Andrew McFadyen headshot
Andrew McFadyen
Further education and skills senior consultant, Jisc
Louisa Stamatelopoulos headshot
Louisa Stamatelopoulos
Further education and skills consultant, Jisc

Additional links