Higher education subscription

Jisc subscription provides your institution with full access to our catalogue of services for higher education.

The majority of our funding comes from the UK HE and FE funding bodies, with a contribution via subscription from all higher education institutions and from general FE and sixth form colleges in England.

We will contact your institution directly in the spring each year to outline its exact contribution, which is based on student numbers and income. You will receive your invoice for your subscription fee in August. We appreciate you need these costs to assist your budget planning and will aim to get them to you as soon as possible.

Research and development will continue to be fully funded by the funding bodies. The funding bodies will also provide significant and additional capital investment

How we calculate each HE institution's contribution

The model for calculating how the charges are shared between HE institutions reflect the value of Jisc to different types of institution. The model is the same in all parts of the UK. In the example below an English institution is used for illustrative purposes only.

Calculating institutional contribution

[ ((Income/total HE income for England) x 0.8) + ((Research income/total research income for England) x 0.1) + ((Student full-time equivalent/total student full-time equivalents in England) x 0.1) ]

x Total HE England institutional contribution

= Institutional contribution

Institutional contribution =xtotal HE England institutional contribution++x 0.1research incometotal researchincome for Englandx 0.1student FTEstotal student FTEs in Englandx 0.8incometotal HE incomefor England

How HE institution contributions differ by country

The UK HE funding bodies contribute the majority (at least 75%) of the cost required to deliver our core package of services to HE institutions. The amount that each funding body contributes differs because of the particular funding context in their country.  

HE institutions contribute the remainder, based on the formula detailed above. Though contributions differ by country, the included services are the same for all HE members.

Invoices for optional services (those outside of the Jisc subscription)

Some optional services are VAT exempt for members of the VAT-exempt cost sharing group. For those services where we have to charge VAT you will be invoiced by a Jisc subsidiary company. In these circumstances you may receive an invoice from Jisc Services Limited.

In general we hope that the future base cost of optional chargeable services will be reasonably similar to current levels. However, many of the Jisc Group's services (and particularly for digital content delivered by Jisc Collections) are procured from external third party suppliers - so if the Jisc Group itself receives higher input costs from external suppliers we will need to pass on these increased costs