Interactive insights

Interactive dashboard suites co-designed with professionals from the higher education sector, to help universities apply data to support their institutional research, benchmarking and planning.

Apply data to your benchmarking and planning

A series of dashboard suites co-designed with professional groups within the higher education sector. Each focuses on a particular problem space and provides data and analysis to inform decisions within that space.

How the dashboards are developed

A collaborative, co-design approach

Our process starts with a workshop discussing a particular problem - the co-design group is supported to develop and prioritise user stories, which outline who the user is​, what they want​, and why they want it.

Next, we establish the content, features and functionality required to meet these requirements and the best data to use. Our data and visualisation developers produce a wireframe, analysis, metrics, visualisations, and build up the dashboard suite iteratively using an agile approach.


The evolving dashboard suite

The evolving dashboard suite is demonstrated for codesigners at the end of each stage of development, with the co-design group providing feedback to inform the next stage until the development is complete. Groups and networks that have collaborated so far include:

  • Graduate careers advisory teams, with AGCAS
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion leads in HR, with UHR
  • Strategic planners, partnering with HESPA

Contact us

If you have any questions or need support, get in touch.
