
Embedding AI in higher education: Innovation, integration, and impact at Queen’s University

Join us at Queen's University Belfast as part of the demonstrating digital transformation events series.

  • One day
  • Free

This event will be held on

  • 05 February 2025

    • Queens University Belfast
    • 09:30 – 15:45


Queen’s University Belfast is one of the 24 pilot institutions that has worked closely with Jisc over the last year to test, affirm and contribute to the further development of Jisc’s framework for digital transformation, including the maturity model and action planning toolkit. One of the central themes of Queen’s University Belfast’s (QUB) Strategy 2030 is to be a global institute of educational excellence.

As part of this strategic ambition, senior leaders responsible for the educational experience were keen to discuss how they should address artificial intelligence (AI). They aimed to move away from a predominantly risk-related focus on AI and facilitate discussion about when and how it could add value. They wanted to consider the potential value of AI not only within the context of improved learning and teaching experiences, but also in terms of employability skills and increased accessibility and inclusion. The Queens University team will be sharing their holistic approach to developing resources to support, enable and encourage the responsible use of AI, engaging staff and students in a wide ranging consultative process and winning hearts and minds at all levels of senior management as to the importance of this work.

The 2024-2025 series of demonstrating digital transformation events mirrors the holistic nature of Jisc's framework for digital transformation. It brings together senior leaders with responsibility for taking forward digital transformation within their university including senior executive/director roles in digital, student experience, education, technical, digital and IT services, libraries, estates and facilities management, registry, data management, learning and teaching, research and innovation roles.


Registration and networking

Welcome and introduction by Queen’s University Belfast and Jisc

  • Prof Judy Williams, pro-vice-chancellor for education and students, Queen’s University Belfast
  • Liam Earney, managing director for higher education and research

From exploration to implementation: Exploring QUB’s AI journey

This session outlines Queen’s University Belfast’s (QUB) journey in addressing the implications of AI in education. It highlights how QUB used Jisc's digital transformation framework to explore AI’s current and future impact, leading to the creation of an AI in education framework. Developed collaboratively—with input from digital services, careers and skills experts, educational leaders, edtech professionals, and students—the framework adopts a user-centric approach. The talk will cover three key elements: essential resources for staff and students, a comprehensive framework for educational leaders, and an agile, scalable project approach to embedding AI in educational practice.

  • Prof Phil Hanna, dean of education, Queens University Belfast
  • Liza Zamboglou, senior educational developer, Queens University Belfast


Breakout session one

Theme 1: Supporting staff and students: Effective and responsible use of AI

This interactive, discussion-based workshop will focus on practical strategies to support and guide staff and students in their use of AI for teaching, learning, and assessment. Participants will explore insights from staff and student feedback on the types of support they need and identify key skills for using AI effectively and responsibly. The session will also consider approaches currently in use across institutions, providing a platform for sharing experiences, discussing challenges, and exploring potential collaboration.

  • Dr Vilinda Ross, educational developer, Queen's University Belfast
  • Norma Menabney, librarian, Queen's University Belfast
  • Dr Kath Stevenson, digital scholarship librarian, Queen's University Belfast
  • Dr Aidan Deery, digital learning designer, Queen's University Belfast
  • Sarah Stewart, assistive technology co-ordinator, Queen's University Belfast

Theme 2: Hands-on exploration: AI innovation in education

This active, hands-on session features a series of interactive demonstrations showcasing innovative uses of AI in education. Delivered in a "speed-dating" format, participants will rotate through table-based demos, exploring applications such as AI-powered tutoring and chatbots. The session emphasises participation, practical exploration, and active discussions around the AI innovation and how it can help enhance education.

  • Colleen Murray, education project coordinator, Queen's University Belfast

Theme 3: Redesigning curriculum and education delivery for an AI-driven world

This discussion-based workshop explores the opportunities and challenges of widespread AI adoption. Participants will examine AI’s potential impact on future skills, job markets, and the resulting curriculum implications for education providers. The session will also consider how AI may transform teaching, learning, assessment, and support activities, both through evolving skill demands and its direct influence on education. Finally, the workshop will discuss strategies for reshaping curricula to better prepare institutions for an AI-driven future.

  • Stefanie Savage-Cambell, senior educational projects manager

Breakout session two

Theme 1: Supporting staff and students: Effective and responsible use of AI

This interactive, discussion-based workshop will focus on practical strategies to support and guide staff and students in their use of AI for teaching, learning, and assessment. Participants will explore insights from staff and student feedback on the types of support they need and identify key skills for using AI effectively and responsibly. The session will also consider approaches currently in use across institutions, providing a platform for sharing experiences, discussing challenges, and exploring potential collaboration.

  • Dr Vilinda Ross, educational developer, Queen's University Belfast
  • Norma Menabney, librarian, Queen's University Belfast
  • Dr Kath Stevenson, digital scholarship librarian, Queen's University Belfast
  • Dr Aidan Deery, digital learning designer, Queen's University Belfast
  • Sarah Stewart, assistive technology co-ordinator, Queen's University Belfast

Theme 2: Hands-on exploration: AI innovation in education

This active, hands-on session features a series of interactive demonstrations showcasing innovative uses of AI in education. Delivered in a "speed-dating" format, participants will rotate through table-based demos, exploring applications such as AI-powered tutoring and chatbots. The session emphasises participation, practical exploration, and active discussions around the AI innovation and how it can help enhance education.

  • Colleen Murray, education project coordinator, Queen's University Belfast

Theme 3: Redesigning curriculum and education delivery for an AI-driven world

This discussion-based workshop explores the opportunities and challenges of widespread AI adoption. Participants will examine AI’s potential impact on future skills, job markets, and the resulting curriculum implications for education providers. The session will also consider how AI may transform teaching, learning, assessment, and support activities, both through evolving skill demands and its direct influence on education. Finally, the workshop will discuss strategies for reshaping curricula to better prepare institutions for an AI-driven future.

  • Stefanie Savage-Cambell, senior educational projects manager

Lunch and networking

Baselining and driving change in digital transformation: an evidence-based approach to using Jisc's framework and maturity model for digital transformation

  • Prof Phil Hanna, dean of education, Queen's University Belfast
  • Liza Zamboglou, senior educational developer, Queen's University Belfast

Panel discussion - Senior leaders from across the sector discussing challenges and solutions for digital transformation

  • Eamon Brankin - CyberFirst NI regional lead, digital IT hub manager, Belfast Metropolitan College
  • Kieran Minto - students union president, Queens University Belfast
  • Jill Shaw – Deputy director of teaching for the school of computing and communications, Open University'
  • Phil Hanna – dean of education, Queens University Belfast
  • Sarah Knight – director of digital transformation, Jisc
  • Faith Wallace, student representative, Queens University Belfast


Who should attend

These events are aimed at senior leaders with responsibility for taking forward digital transformation within their university including senior executive/director roles in learning and teaching, research and innovation, digital and IT services, libraries, estates and facilities management, registry and data management.

This event is aimed at members of UK higher and further education organisations.

Feedback from delegates who have attended our previous demonstration digital transformation events:

“Supported by Jisc, the event featured a great agenda with a good variety of sessions."

"The event was well-organised and efficiently run…and the content was delivered very well."


For further information, please contact events@jisc.ac.uk.