
Statement from the CNSG and learning content expert group on learning, teaching and assessment priorities

Providing a mandate that sets out the priorities for learning, teaching and assessment in Jisc licensing to help shape the future of education through digital transformation.

The chairs of the content negotiation strategy group (CNSG) and learning content expert group present this stakeholder statement.

UK universities, colleges and educational institutions have a vital role to play in driving growth, jobs and prosperity. The last two years have seen significant change in the delivery of learning, teaching and assessment in response to the changing skills landscape, new ways of working, learning and lifelong participation in education. For many educational institutions, this has meant revisiting strategies for digital transformation.

In addition, the retention, progression, and success of students throughout their learning journey is increasingly influenced by their individual development of essential skills, including employability and digital. The place of learning is also changing, with greater exposure to industry, requiring flexible and inclusive opportunities for learning.

As a result, universities and colleges across the UK are advancing large scale transformation programmes that require enhancement of digital capabilities. Jisc is committed to helping its members by supporting and driving this digital transformation.

In March, the ‘Framework for digital transformation in higher education’ was published. This followed on from the launch of the digital elevation tool to help further education and skills providers understand their future journey and develop the capabilities and confidence to adopt impactful digital solutions.

As the trusted partner in digital transformation, Jisc's strategic approach to licensing builds on the core strengths of the sector and leverages its collective power, focussing on three areas:

  1. Delivering the right solutions
  2. Empowering communities
  3. Being a force for good

Jisc has prioritised licence agreements that support and enable digital transformation, aligning with institutional, sectoral and government priorities. For example, priority disciplines have included STEM, covering construction and green technology, medicine and allied health, nursing, business, digital and IT. Additionally, we recognise the vital role of creative industries in these sectors, fostering innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration to enhance technological and scientific advancements.

We will continue to enhance this targeted and evidence-informed approach to support and enable the digital transformation of learning, teaching and assessment across all academic levels. Our current priorities for clusters of licensed solutions will address the strategic challenges and opportunities faced by institutions, including:

  • Accessibility and inclusivity
  • Assessment and feedback
  • Digital skills and capabilities
  • Employability and skills
  • Literacy and numeracy
  • Personalised learning
  • Simulation and experiential learning
  • Student engagement and success

Within these areas, Jisc will continue to prioritise licence agreements that leverage new and emerging technologies, including the transformative potential of AI and immersive technologies. Working with a range of suppliers and vendors, the clusters are being developed to ensure an array of options are available and encourage competition. All licensed solutions are also set against due diligence standards and procurement requirements, including digital accessibility, software and/or hardware compatibility, and best practice in data protection and cyber security; and they ensure that content, delivery and pricing models are highly relevant and support sector aims.

Furthermore, Jisc is encouraging suppliers, vendors and organisations of all shapes and sizes to work in partnership and support these initiatives across learning, teaching and assessment. This will meet the current challenges and opportunities, present chances to develop offerings that meet sector requirements, and consider innovative models.

The learning content expert group and Jisc look forward to working with universities and colleges to support the digital transformation of learning, teaching and assessment. 

The learning content expert group is open to receiving nominations for new members from curriculum development and/or quality professionals. This insight is vital to driving a sustainable approach to digital transformation, helping to shape an innovative and future-ready teaching, learning and assessment. Please email to get in touch.

To learn more about e-textbooks in the context of the group’s work, read our recent blog e-textbooks and the future of learning, teaching and assessment.